First of all I apologize for my written Italian ... I'm in Italy for 3 years, I have a family spectacular, a son, born in Italy, and a good husband. I should be very happy, but I'm trying to get out of a depression continues because in my country have graduated, I did the master, I had a good job, money was missing .. In Italy are without a residence permit, work in black and do the cleaning .... no development, for me as an educated person is very difficult to accept a job that I have Nothing and no one knows what future I will. . Help me please many Sometimes I get the urge to commit suicide .. . Then I calm alone, I need some advice how can I get comfort ... I can not talk to my husband about these things because we certainly would not hurt .. but I hope in my life .. Thank you, waiting for his answer Gloria
is the new carer's grandmother is with us for a week.
Before there was an Italian, he took home € 800 per month for approximately 22 hours per week and two months of the year was also paid despite the grandmother was not there. But the problem was not that. Increasingly, she spent her time in look in the TV forums, beautiful and stupid things like this, with the excuse that my grandmother liked. My grandmother is 91 years and two strokes behind, if not the stimuli tends to fall asleep forever. In fact, sleeping on time. In recent times, the times were almost never met, came late and grandmother stayed in bed even up to 11. One day my father, with much embarrassment you are allowed to say that perhaps it was no good, you have made the offense and was fired. Better that way. So it came
Angela, Ecuador. A wonderful woman of 52 years. E 'in Italy, alone, for many years. He referred to her husband and two children said: My children sometimes call informing me that his father has other women and she tells them not to worry, the important thing that will disappear on its return. Back in Ecuador, not very often, the cost of travel does not allow it. Angela had followed for three years full-time sister of a grandmother. The family then so fond that he wanted to remain living in her grandmother's house after his death. Angela after that experience does not want to take a demanding full-time: it has suffered too much from the death of this granny. He understood immediately that it was a lie as followed by her grandmother, something never seen before. He spoke to her constantly, telling her of his family, made her laugh, kissed her stroking. He maintained this attention even when moved to do some housework. Finally, the television remained, and remains off. Angela was the appearance of an angel in the truest sense of the word. One day telephoned agitated: he had to return to Ecuador because his mother had had a stroke and, as a true guardian angel, to be armed to give us another contact to my grandmother before leaving. I really hope to be able to see it again and I wish I could say that in a few days, we all learned to love and feel close as a family.
Thus came Gloria, Santo Domingo, a little less than 50 years. E 'in Italy with his family, except one daughter, 14 years. She, too, with his family, lives in a house made available by the family of a grandmother she did the caregiver for a long time. Gloria appeared very frightened, indecisive sullla choice. Then he understood why no one dared to expose some problems, the truth is absolutely solvable, as then it happened. Behind that fear, almost revernziale, he soon discovered another wonderful woman. His ability to interact with the elderly, to be affectionate, this is really amazing.
Because I tell you about these two women? for a small detail! Angela Gloria is always concealed with great restraint that you bring in a malaise: the residence permit. Despite being here for years, although here in rendereci a service invaluable, despite both have references from two families very well known in the region, despite being of people of great humanity every time they have to justify to us the right to exist, can not remain a single moment of their lives without a shred of justification to stay in Italy. We who have overrun half the world now asking others to get the "star of David." How much pain and shame I feel inside me. To us to show them all our gratidudine, we who must be ashamed to so much inhumanity.
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