Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Make White Cheddar Popcorn

2013 - The Dawn of New Era 13 experts enlighten us

Price € 17.30
Editions Book - 206 Pages
Size: 14x21
Year: 2010

and Enzo Braschi Giorgio Boccaccio intended to present to the public by this work, knowledge really important for an understanding of the whole phenomenon of 2012, taking advantage of the unique collaboration of 11 leading experts.

The authors have deliberately neglected issues concerning the possible doomsday scenarios such as: Floods, earthquakes, solar storms and topics such as the new generation of Indigo children, crystal skulls and power, as distinguished colleagues in recent years, have extensively discussed elsewhere.

There are many disciplines taken into account in the book, but will agree to draw a consistent line of work: all authors share the idea that 2012 is the emblem of the great energetic change linked to the new vibrational frequency of the planet Earth.

The editors felt that the most important thing is not so much what might happen in 2012, but as might be the life of us all from 2013 onwards.

Giovanna Giorgio Battistini
Richard Boyland
Enzo Braschi
Claudio CannistrĂ 
Nikola Duper Carotenuto Giuseppe Luigi Esposito

Massimo Fratini
Antonio Giacchetti
Fabrizio Mainetti

Roda Juliana Paola Sani

Enzo Braschi - TV Actor and film, takes part every year since 1996 the Sun Dance (the ceremony more sacred Native of the Great Plains of North America.

George Boccaccio - Life coach communication. E 'is considered one of the leading European experts in the field of personal communication and the art of oratory. Researcher in the field of sounds of human language, speech, and an expert on cybernetics, on issues related to leadership, teamwork and problem solving, has trained more than twenty years, many people to awaken their human potential and have relied His advice to students, teachers, counselors, professionals, show business, sports, communication operators, newspapers, press offices, vendors, consultants, agencies, ORGANISATION OF SAFETY +, businessmen, politicians and ordinary people. In 2006 he published his first book: Use the right words, Ed Psiche2, Torino For more information about his work, visit the Web Site:

OF THE AUTHOR OF "2013 - The Dawn A New Era of "

Circle Without End
The People of the Great Spirit
They are among us
Bound the Mother of All
2013 - The Dawn of New Era


Extreme Survival
Apocalypse 2012
2012 the Year of the Contact
Apocalypse 2012 - Surviving Disaster
The Ombudsman
21 Steps with Archangel Michael
Tarot of 2012
2012 - Countdown
The Last Prophecy - 2012 The Testament Maya
2012 - Disasters and the End Times

What Jeans Does Tom Cruise Wear In Top Gun

Good News for 2012 Which scenario you choose for your future?

Price € 30.00
Melchizedek Editions
Video - Attachments: Booklet 21 pages - 8 hours
Format: Double DVD
Year: 2010

The booklet with some of the most important texts and 8 hours of DVD the Conference held in Milan on November 14, 2009, and organized by Gian Marco Braga.

last "Good News for 2012!

A number of positive lessons for people today who are going to live prophesied changes on the planet. Anything that can help you not fear the

2012 Disc 1 Part

WAR Music and words to the search for spiritual alchemy-2012
The 12 gates of the inner change

About Us Where are we? Where are we going? GIAN MARCO
The legacy of the Order of Melchizedek
Third Party

Ezendam IGOR - SAMAH Gayed
Sound Circles
from the pineal chakra
Golden Disc 2 Part

The bridge to the fifth dimension
the millennial history of crop circles

scale music theory, the verb that drives the creation
Enzo Decaro
Reflections and comments from the audience that
Aquele sabe - He who knows

Gian Marco Braga Braga years has begun a journey of spiritual quest, traveling halfway around the world, to meet Sai Baba in India and the Tao in China to explore the ancient civilizations, Egypt, Mexico and Peru. He became "work" by healers Philippines and met with shamans in Africa, the monks of Nepal, the friars of Assisi, the masters of yoga and meditation, mediums and psychics and researchers of the Spirit in various parts of the globe. But the most important meetings were those with Francis of Assisi, which he sees as the greatest revolutionary of the Faith, and the Archangel Michael, the prince of the exorcists, the Warrior of Light, who visits each year at Mt St . Michel. To discover the "gates" of the Spirit, has made many pilgrimages to holy places as Fatima, Lourdes, Assisi, Santiago de Compostela, Mt St. Michel, Jerusalem, Rome, Medjugorije, Avila, San Giovanni Rotondo (Padre Pio), Torino , Padova, Loreto, etc. He has written books and screenplays in order to use the cinema and television drama to recount his experiences. He then worked as a writer of other broadcasts, other national TV stations, including "Sixth Sense" to LA7. After many experiences, Braga believes that the information, knowledge of other ways of the spirit, and especially the messages of the Masters of Wisdom, can help those who have not yet found their way to overcome the negativity of life, so give a purpose to their lives and meet the Light. The author has personally experienced the way to discover the meaning of the "signs" for nearly 20 years, and after the success of "Signs of Destiny", which has already received great interest, wants it known to all those who are looking for a contact with the other dimension. That's why he wrote "Segnianalisi" (video course on DVD) and "Guide + Diary of Signs and Coincidences." He put his great experience in the first major landscape afterlife and contacts with the other dimension in "Voyage to the invisible worlds." But his biggest hit is "L? Heritage of the Order of Melchizedek" released in early 2010, a novel detector with the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Archangels that explain what to do to prepare for the prophesied changes for 2012.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Good News for 2012"

The Secret Testament of Jesus
The Legacy of the Order of Melchizedek
Segnianalisi - How Interpreting Signs and Coincidences (DVD included)
Your Personal Oracle
The Nativity of St. Francis


True Thought Positive - Videocourse DVD
Ask the Cosmo
The Shift - The Shift - Movie DVD In
higher states of consciousness (Videodiscorso in DVD)
Know the Family Constellations - DVD
The Meta Secret - Beyond The Secret - DVD
like magic
Entusiasmologia Love (Videocourse in DVD)
makes sense Life? (Videodiscorso in DVD)
Love Management Training - Box Set 3 DVD + CD Mp3

Ingredients For Vel Soap

The Last Word on 2012 - 2012 Science or Superstition

Price € 17.60
Video - 98 minutes
Year: 2010

is the last day of the sophisticated Long Count calendar developed by the Maya. The significance of this date is the subject of books, articles and conferences around the world: on the one hand there are those who believe that December 21, 2012 is the symbol of an apocalypse that date is approaching, there are other those who interpret it as the beginning of an era of spiritual renewal and regeneration of the human race.

Even scientists are involved in the debate: some, in fact, the growing number of natural disasters that are coming down on Earth will reach its peak right around 2012. But how much of what they say is science and what is superstition? In this video, twelve scholars question the meaning of this date and the consequences that will have on humans and the planet.


my dance
The Opus (DVD Movies)
The Manchurian Approach - Box Set 4 DVD
Avatar - Extended Collector's Edition - (3 DVD)
The Little Kingdom of Lo
Machu Picchu - Blu-Ray Disc
Stonehenge - Blu-Ray Disc
Ask the Cosmo
The Shift - The Shift - Movie DVD In
Pharaohs - The quest for immortality - Documentary DVD

Puma Jamaican Singlet

We were warned

Price € 19.90
Video - 158 minutes
Year: 2010

In 2009, a research center in India located in the depths of a copper mine, is detected a sudden change in the emission of solar neutrinos and the resulting overheating of the Earth's core.

The discovery is studied by the young scientist Adrian Helmsley, who estimates the risk of the first effects on the crust in the long run and therefore decided, in accordance with the interests of directors U.S. government to devise an evacuation plan to preserve the secrecy on future global threat.

After only three years, however, the mantle begins to melt and appear on the California coast the first big cracks.

According to the Mayan calendar, 2012 is the year of the end of the world. And if the ancient Mexican people was right?


my dance
The Opus (DVD Movies)
Avatar - Extended Collector's Edition - (3 DVD)
The Manchurian Approach - Box Set 4 DVD
The Little Kingdom of Lo
Machu Picchu - Blu-Ray Disc
Stonehenge - Blu-Ray Disc
Ask the Cosmo
The Shift - The Shift - Movie DVD In
Pharaohs - The quest for immortality - Documentary DVD

Junk Yards In Wausau Wi Broken Snowmobeals

Apocalypse How - How will the DVD world?

Price € 15.90
Article not subject to discount
Video - Annexes: + booklet -
94 minutes Audio: English / Italian
Year: 2010

The Mayans predicted the end of the world to December 21, 2012, but more than debating on the basis of this prophecy, we should ask: what could cause the end of the world? you can avoid it? Our planet is threatened by huge forces that can destroy him: Supervolcanoes eruptions, solar storms, global warming, nuclear weapons, chemical agents and other cataclysms able to remove all forms of life on Earth.

The DVD, using a new generation of computer graphics, provides a detailed framework and spectacular of the causes that could lead to the Apocalypse. Watch the trailer

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Apocalypse How - DVD"

The Human Body - Blu-ray Disc
Apocalypse How - DVD
South Africa - DVD
Tutankhamun - 2 DVD


my dance
The Opus (DVD Movies)
The Manchurian Approach - Box Set 4 DVD
Avatar - Extended Collector's Edition - (3 DVD)
The Little Kingdom of Lo
Machu Picchu - Blu-Ray Disc
Stonehenge - Blu-Ray Disc
Ask the Cosmo

The Shift - The Shift - Movie DVD In
Pharaohs - The quest for immortality - Documentary DVD

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chicken Wings Wholesale Sara

2012 AD - Maya Prophecy and Crop Circles An extraordinary connection

Price € 18.00
3TV Video - 52 minutes
Format: DVD
Year: 2009

What unites an ancient Sumerian symbol, the complex pictographs drawn on English fields, the event of UFOs and the people of the Maya? Everything seems to be due to a prophecy in mind: that of the fateful 2012.

Year in which the ancient Maya predicted big changes on the Earth, abnormal solar activity, important astronomical events and contact between humans and the mysterious "Lords of the Stars" ...
From the voice of experts and witnesses is revealed the extraordinary connection that ties this prophecy to the phenomenon of crop circles.

Watch the trailer

Found in
Crop Circles
Documentaries and movies


Extreme Survival
Apocalypse 2012
2012 the Year of the Contact
The Ombudsman
Apocalypse 2012 - Surviving Disaster
21 Steps with Archangel Michael
Tarot of 2012
2012 - Countdown
The Last Prophecy - 2012 The Testament Maya
2012 - Disasters and the End Times

How Do U Draw A Car Crash

at the Gates of Change

Price € 26.00 Macro
Video Video - 240 minutes
Format: Box 2 DVD
Year: 2011

Back Gregg Braden with an exciting new DVD that deals with major changes in the coming years, highlighting the latest discoveries science combined with the ancient spiritual wisdom now lost for ever, on a trip through time which has half the center of our hearts.

Braden teaches us with his usual effective communication because we are living in one of the most important periods in world history. Comes to show how this time, our past and our lives are all rejoined at a common point which marks the end of a great cycle in the Mayan calendar: December 21, 2012.

But what does it mean for us in 2012? The answer is a message contained in an ancient map of time, a time code, in fact, that we will see the modern era from a completely different point of view, preparing to face the mysteries of 2012. If we learn to look into the past we have a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the future holds.

In the second part, the author teaches how we can change our point of view in the world, showing us that everything in the universe is connected through a huge field.

OF THE AUTHOR OF "At The Gates of Change"


Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Italy Cosmic Mystery

Price € 17.00
Editions Book - 258 Pages
Size: 14x21
Year: 2010

Kolosimo These pages also shows how Italy can offer fertile ground for research in archeology mysterious moments from our big cities because there are traces of a past that mainstream science can not explain.

Faced with star atlases engraved on the rock in time immemorial, to gigantic drawings visible only from above, a multitude of other signs, one wonders if the reality of the early days of Rome and the Mediterranean and European civilization is no different how we been handed down through the millennia ...

"In these tumultuous legends one can see the struggles of non-human races from outer space, which vie for domination of planet Earth with frightening weapons like arrows in the Amazon where someone can see flashes of incredible power."

Kolosimo Peter (1922-1984), journalist and science writer, was one of the most widely read writers in Italy and worldwide.

Found in
Archaeological research

OF THE AUTHOR OF "Italy Cosmic Mystery"

Planet Unknown
Odyssey Star


Machu Picchu - Blu-Ray Disc
Stonehenge - Blu-Ray Disc
The Great Book of Mysteries
the ancient heart
The Code of the Cosmos
Riddles, Mysteries and Legends of All Time
Z City Lost
When the giants inhabit the earth
Discovering Hollow Earth

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Reply To Interview Letter

Extreme Survival Guide to plan B

Price € 6.46 instead of 7.60 discount 15%
Macro Edizioni
Book - 108 Pages
Size: 11x16, 5
Year: 2010

And if you really happen?! And if a great catastrophe struck the Earth, completely transforming our habits of civilized people?

No doubt most of us would not be able to survive because we have lost the instinct, the ability to adapt and the valuable knowledge that are fundamental to man as it evolves.

With this pocket guide, any experience of outdoor life, from a harmless walk in the mountains at a fearsome Day After, will be transformed into a thrilling adventure, from which you return safely!

reading Extreme Survival learn in a clear and detailed, thanks to the use of explanatory tables, the devices, techniques and solutions needed to survive in any situation.

The author clarifies in particular: what equipment and clothing to choose, how to find water, how to organize your backpack, how to orient and point the remote location, how to prepare an emergency kit, what to eat and how to cook.

Ivan Bertuccini, travelers are always looking for new experiences into the unknown, and knowledge of survival in difficult and extreme conditions. He has just returned from a bike trip of three months in the company of two friends through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos and is already planning new adventures.

Found in


Plan B


Apocalypse 2012
2012 the Year of the Contact
Apocalypse 2012 - Surviving Disaster
The Ombudsman
21 Steps with Archangel Michael
Tarot of 2012
2012 - Countdown
The Last Prophecy - 2012 The Testament Maya
2012 - Disasters and the End Times
2012 Revelation