Sunday, from my lunch, striking the two and Riccardo claim his hours of sleep.
I'll take her up and we go with my mom on the first floor to my former room (right now the room of Richard), where is his bed.
I sit in a chair my mom on my old bed, with Riccardo little face against my breast.
Mom and Grandma began to sing:
"Make lullaby you to sleep
beautiful child of the mother ..." I
are moved, the voices of two generations coming together to the third generation to sleep.
E 'was a very beautiful moment.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tamil Marriage Invitations Wordings
Luck Stanley
carried away I'm leaving the mothers of the network, and after the bookmarks, I could not subscribe to the idea of \u200b\u200b mammagiramondo .
volentierissimo then adhere to his initiative, all the details here :
carried away I'm leaving the mothers of the network, and after the bookmarks, I could not subscribe to the idea of \u200b\u200b mammagiramondo .
volentierissimo then adhere to his initiative, all the details here :
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Milville Corn Flakes Wholesale
Who benefits from such hatred? Step by step
When the Berlin Wall fell I was 8 years old and playing with dolls, 2 years after I stopped playing for ever to shut me up in a never-ending pain. I consoled read what happened to me before our eyes and see the film. Hard to watch or read things that could just tear a smile. So I decided to expiate a guilt that I had given. I consumed in this way almost five years of my life. I have no regret having done so, nothing happens by chance, everyone has to follow its maze.
Towards the 14 years I was to see programs that were talking about politics, because it was spoken at home. My father and his friends, many former sessantottino often attacked furiously in discussions. The friends of my father loved me. I returned this adoration into a boundless affection. They were my uncles, their presence helped me fill the void that was created with the death of my mother. It was during those years that I began to hear Berlusconi, soon feeling a sense of overwhelming disgust. I was struck by his tone, his way of being, every attitude exuded arrogance. We felt that was a powerful man despite not perceiving what came from this power. I began to look for anything that could help me figure out who he really was, even listening to the tales of his uncles. When you took the field, I think he used the term, to save Italy from the Communists, disgust soon turned to anger. Hear all their anathemas against the cursed Communists, for the first time, brought forth in me a feeling almost rancor. I could not understand how anyone could speak with such hatred of people who lived around me, I knew for their kindness, their sense of justice, their intellectual honesty. When my father sensed something was happening to me, to prevent this travesty, my educational background with an excuse, he took me out of Italy for nearly a month. It was the first time I walked the length and breadth of France in a tent. It was an unforgettable experience that marked my future. In our "on the road, among other things, my father spoke of his long political experience. Above all, I spoke of the value of the policy, which he had always approached with a spirit of service. Not failed to list the mistakes and abuses. The infighting in political parties. The deterioration that had found its way to all levels and how we arrive at the disintegration of large parties of the twentieth century. We talked about some of Berlusconi, but also the fact that in politics, though sometimes the anger is understandable, we must never be permeated with hatred. Hatred does not help to understand, and obscures the reason often leads to bad choices: policy choices in the order of the day.
My father had served its purpose, I had found a certain serenity, because that trip helped us to overcome an even bigger tragedy that, until then, we had developed to the end.
I apologize for the premise but I seemed useful to give a better sense of the path that leads to this note. Often I have heard to use harsh words against certain characters. I did this and I'll do it again because externalize anger is to prevent resentment. But how to hide that for too long we live in a climate of hatred. I wondered why all of this and the only plausible answer I've found is that all this hatred was fabricated to Berlusconi. Let me give an example: the de-legitimization of the Judiciary. By increasing the level of confrontation, using the elements of criticism towards the system, which certainly had to be reformed, and this critical turning into a hatred of the magistrates, scored the goal of becoming the eyes of His supporters, victim and accused. If other laws ad personam would never have been unthinkable for him has become a duty. Think about the story and how the intervention of Eluana Berlusconi has dramatically exacerbated the minds to the point of wearing some of fundamentalist fringe, for the girl's father relentlessly with unprecedented hatred. This created a climate of frustration that eventually made him less than the essence of the problem, which was basically an act of Christian charity, to push the clash of religion, a clash that finally opened the front door of the Vatican (and the Church is attentive and some of his faithful stop to the victims because he who sows the wind picks up storm, this also applies to those who wield the Christ by way of the sword).
Towards the 14 years I was to see programs that were talking about politics, because it was spoken at home. My father and his friends, many former sessantottino often attacked furiously in discussions. The friends of my father loved me. I returned this adoration into a boundless affection. They were my uncles, their presence helped me fill the void that was created with the death of my mother. It was during those years that I began to hear Berlusconi, soon feeling a sense of overwhelming disgust. I was struck by his tone, his way of being, every attitude exuded arrogance. We felt that was a powerful man despite not perceiving what came from this power. I began to look for anything that could help me figure out who he really was, even listening to the tales of his uncles. When you took the field, I think he used the term, to save Italy from the Communists, disgust soon turned to anger. Hear all their anathemas against the cursed Communists, for the first time, brought forth in me a feeling almost rancor. I could not understand how anyone could speak with such hatred of people who lived around me, I knew for their kindness, their sense of justice, their intellectual honesty. When my father sensed something was happening to me, to prevent this travesty, my educational background with an excuse, he took me out of Italy for nearly a month. It was the first time I walked the length and breadth of France in a tent. It was an unforgettable experience that marked my future. In our "on the road, among other things, my father spoke of his long political experience. Above all, I spoke of the value of the policy, which he had always approached with a spirit of service. Not failed to list the mistakes and abuses. The infighting in political parties. The deterioration that had found its way to all levels and how we arrive at the disintegration of large parties of the twentieth century. We talked about some of Berlusconi, but also the fact that in politics, though sometimes the anger is understandable, we must never be permeated with hatred. Hatred does not help to understand, and obscures the reason often leads to bad choices: policy choices in the order of the day.
My father had served its purpose, I had found a certain serenity, because that trip helped us to overcome an even bigger tragedy that, until then, we had developed to the end.
I apologize for the premise but I seemed useful to give a better sense of the path that leads to this note. Often I have heard to use harsh words against certain characters. I did this and I'll do it again because externalize anger is to prevent resentment. But how to hide that for too long we live in a climate of hatred. I wondered why all of this and the only plausible answer I've found is that all this hatred was fabricated to Berlusconi. Let me give an example: the de-legitimization of the Judiciary. By increasing the level of confrontation, using the elements of criticism towards the system, which certainly had to be reformed, and this critical turning into a hatred of the magistrates, scored the goal of becoming the eyes of His supporters, victim and accused. If other laws ad personam would never have been unthinkable for him has become a duty. Think about the story and how the intervention of Eluana Berlusconi has dramatically exacerbated the minds to the point of wearing some of fundamentalist fringe, for the girl's father relentlessly with unprecedented hatred. This created a climate of frustration that eventually made him less than the essence of the problem, which was basically an act of Christian charity, to push the clash of religion, a clash that finally opened the front door of the Vatican (and the Church is attentive and some of his faithful stop to the victims because he who sows the wind picks up storm, this also applies to those who wield the Christ by way of the sword).
disagree for the same conflict of interest: just think the whole story of Rete 4. Sure there were mistakes and mischiefs of the enemy camp that made him to make things easier, but the pivot of his whole action was in the climate of hate that he so unscrupulously using almost all of the information, has skillfully constructed transforming Mediaset, the snake that swallows any competition, a victim of the Communists. Already they always those damned Bolsheviks.
For this reason it is reasonable to think that every political act that your hopes to use the path of dialogue with a similar character, well be useless if not harmful, is strategically insane. Just remember the end of D'Alema and his bicameral and Veltroni's feel-good approach at the beginning of this legislature. The only game he knows and to be feared, however, is that of strength. Just think of the heavy blackmail that has forced the league in recent days.
Today it is no longer to be anti-Berlusconi, the problem that we all must ask is the real safeguard of democracy in Italy. At these events, all the political forces that are inspired by the area left of center, all without exception, must make a sound reflection. After all not forget that such arrogance is also born of front against the stupidity of how he moved and still continue to move. While others were cutting off the beam on which we were already on the brink, we are still talking about the sex of angels. If Prodi told the next day we had to hear the chanting of 300 idiots, on all channels of information that Knight kindly offered, to say the opposite. Not by chance today to see the PD is not a former secretary of PCI. It 'just air in the left, reformist and radical, this moth of dementia that destroys the next day that built the day before. Not the case today, even before the disaster, the famous radical left, despite a barrage of election, is crushed and resentful. What we need understand all, to return to the lesson that I was once given, is that if Berlusconi has focused on the clash hateful did it in a strategic way. Us if we remain mired in hatred, along with the typical search for differentiation at all costs, we risk once again of all the wrong choices.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Chevy Silverado Ss 427 4 Sale
Thematic maps
Inspired by Mammafelice I jumped into the world of thematic maps.
I've created for my own and now the public in case anyone is interested in using them.
I concentrated on food.
cards in pdf format, you download at the following address (password: cards): Thematic maps
It is divided into the following topics:
Fruits Dried Fruits Vegetables
Cereals Condiments
to laminate at home without buying a laminator are several ways around, it offers a mammafelice , and a variant mom @ work. I found my way
: I bought the paper laminator 25 A4 sheets at about 8 €. They are double sheets, and then open and put the printed sheet in half. Then you have to pass through the laminator warming that melts the glue and laminating!
I used an iron! At minimum temperature, putting on a cotton cloth I passed the iron carefully, being careful not to create bubbles. It 's easier to do than to say. They are fine and I went with a front and back!
Then cut and ready! In
pdf file I posted the last page is to be used as the back of the cards, if you like. Just print suits
first pages with photos, then put the printed sheets to the contrary in the printer, and only run the last page. They are very well with a white background.
Here is my small contribution to the wonderful world of thematic maps.
Inspired by Mammafelice I jumped into the world of thematic maps.
I've created for my own and now the public in case anyone is interested in using them.
I concentrated on food.
cards in pdf format, you download at the following address (password: cards): Thematic maps
It is divided into the following topics:
Fruits Dried Fruits Vegetables
Cereals Condiments
to laminate at home without buying a laminator are several ways around, it offers a mammafelice , and a variant mom @ work. I found my way
I used an iron! At minimum temperature, putting on a cotton cloth I passed the iron carefully, being careful not to create bubbles. It 's easier to do than to say. They are fine and I went with a front and back!
Then cut and ready! In
pdf file I posted the last page is to be used as the back of the cards, if you like. Just print suits
first pages with photos, then put the printed sheets to the contrary in the printer, and only run the last page. They are very well with a white background.
Here is my small contribution to the wonderful world of thematic maps.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Cheap Wholesle Chicken Wings
Dall 'last album of Cisco (Stefano Bellotti) "The Mule"
Ragasol vin to thè Svein ascultèr
A gh'è stuff c'a na t' or Cuntera
Du tri cat that you Féret saver
And dla tera noster and Paes
The Tera is the fat that I an not to sweat
e'd the Schina and bras
wires and in bien dla This is based with the therapeutic fiomm
c'l'aspèta to the pas
Cal gifts and who Om s'an insgnèe
C'à'n which is gninta c'a'n s'posa my
fer I an the VLU the gh'an pruvèe the lute a'n
To cater to know what I
Libertè pcàun and also fat , i n the tot fat concomitantly
For deres Maybe that Feres Curago
That Ginta the St. stères asvèin
of the tèra c'l'aspèta In the pas to the tera
Ragasol this is too
in Tola mann c'l'è arivèe to the mumèint
And I hope that you pose a'g zugher
E girerla in longa and Lerga cunteint
Ting Dre and portla deinterlaces to the heart is the
na ca, 's n'olom is, the vias is a pee
Fora, fora c'l'eter and so on ander
For tèra c'l'aspèta to the pas
Kids come here to listen
One thing I must tell you
Two or three facts that I want you to know
of your land and our country
It 's the land made by your grandparents
By the sweat of your back and arms
The rows of poplars in the lower river with
E' the land that awaits your footsteps
Women and men have taught us what
there is nothing that can not be done
They wanted to have tried and fought
To find their piece of freedom
What they did they did together
Maybe I forced to be People know me the courage
nearby stars in the land that is waiting for your child steps
this land is now
Take your hand that it's your time
And I hope you can play there and turn
Match care and keep it in your heart And
'a house, an elm, a trip Out
one foot out the other and away we go
For the earth is waiting for your footsteps
When I hear this song I am touched, deeply touched because , deep love for my son and my land. They are exactly the words I want to say I have the same love and the same sweetness.
Dall 'last album of Cisco (Stefano Bellotti) "The Mule"
Ragasol vin to thè Svein ascultèr
A gh'è stuff c'a na t' or Cuntera
Du tri cat that you Féret saver
And dla tera noster and Paes
The Tera is the fat that I an not to sweat
e'd the Schina and bras
wires and in bien dla This is based with the therapeutic fiomm
c'l'aspèta to the pas
Cal gifts and who Om s'an insgnèe
C'à'n which is gninta c'a'n s'posa my
fer I an the VLU the gh'an pruvèe the lute a'n
To cater to know what I
Libertè pcàun and also fat , i n the tot fat concomitantly
For deres Maybe that Feres Curago
That Ginta the St. stères asvèin
of the tèra c'l'aspèta In the pas to the tera
Ragasol this is too
in Tola mann c'l'è arivèe to the mumèint
And I hope that you pose a'g zugher
E girerla in longa and Lerga cunteint
Ting Dre and portla deinterlaces to the heart is the
na ca, 's n'olom is, the vias is a pee
Fora, fora c'l'eter and so on ander
For tèra c'l'aspèta to the pas
Kids come here to listen
One thing I must tell you
Two or three facts that I want you to know
of your land and our country
It 's the land made by your grandparents
By the sweat of your back and arms
The rows of poplars in the lower river with
E' the land that awaits your footsteps
Women and men have taught us what
there is nothing that can not be done
They wanted to have tried and fought
To find their piece of freedom
What they did they did together
Maybe I forced to be People know me the courage
nearby stars in the land that is waiting for your child steps
this land is now
Take your hand that it's your time
And I hope you can play there and turn
Match care and keep it in your heart And
'a house, an elm, a trip Out
one foot out the other and away we go
For the earth is waiting for your footsteps
When I hear this song I am touched, deeply touched because , deep love for my son and my land. They are exactly the words I want to say I have the same love and the same sweetness.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Pitt Penguins Birthday Invitations
Children need to trust
A month after the birth I started reading books on child development, I started with a classic Piero Angela (my idol since childhood), before moving several other readings. One big worry, little material on the Montessori method. Of course all his books are, but a "guide" no.
Then I go to the library to find a book about using the potty, we are in the phase I lose my pee "and I run into this book.
leafed through it and I buy yarn.
I read only a part. My reaction to this book is, at first, of frustration.
will never be the mother of the Montessori method, and my parent's self-esteem falters.
The chapter that puts me more in the crisis is to "keep everything in order", "everything in its place."
I am messy, there's the piece, escape or salvation ...
So I feel an unnatural mother, how can I get in trouble if the infant does not put things right when I need to do violence to collect something I fall?
Well ... As always in these moments of crisis do I get in the game, I sit down face to face with myself and try to get out.
Again, I assessed the situation, my home is small, but for now we are here, however, things may improve ... and improved.
I'm not saying to have the house bright and perfect alignment of photos in the book, but I made a step forward. Each type has its own game basket, I made a list a yard long for things to buy Ikea home-improvement, and I'm lucky to have a child who has got a sense of order from her grandmother and father and not by me!
Now that every game has its own basket, Richard put in order ... alone!
Returning to the book, is really well done. After the frustration stage, I enjoy a lot more adotattando always the same motto: "I'm where I come, but always do my best"
And I must say that we're a happy family even if a bit 'out of order!
Then I go to the library to find a book about using the potty, we are in the phase I lose my pee "and I run into this book.
leafed through it and I buy yarn.
I read only a part. My reaction to this book is, at first, of frustration.
will never be the mother of the Montessori method, and my parent's self-esteem falters.
The chapter that puts me more in the crisis is to "keep everything in order", "everything in its place."
I am messy, there's the piece, escape or salvation ...
So I feel an unnatural mother, how can I get in trouble if the infant does not put things right when I need to do violence to collect something I fall?
Well ... As always in these moments of crisis do I get in the game, I sit down face to face with myself and try to get out.
Again, I assessed the situation, my home is small, but for now we are here, however, things may improve ... and improved.
I'm not saying to have the house bright and perfect alignment of photos in the book, but I made a step forward. Each type has its own game basket, I made a list a yard long for things to buy Ikea home-improvement, and I'm lucky to have a child who has got a sense of order from her grandmother and father and not by me!
Now that every game has its own basket, Richard put in order ... alone!
Returning to the book, is really well done. After the frustration stage, I enjoy a lot more adotattando always the same motto: "I'm where I come, but always do my best"
And I must say that we're a happy family even if a bit 'out of order!
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