Then I go to the library to find a book about using the potty, we are in the phase I lose my pee "and I run into this book.
leafed through it and I buy yarn.
I read only a part. My reaction to this book is, at first, of frustration.
will never be the mother of the Montessori method, and my parent's self-esteem falters.
The chapter that puts me more in the crisis is to "keep everything in order", "everything in its place."
I am messy, there's the piece, escape or salvation ...
So I feel an unnatural mother, how can I get in trouble if the infant does not put things right when I need to do violence to collect something I fall?
Well ... As always in these moments of crisis do I get in the game, I sit down face to face with myself and try to get out.
Again, I assessed the situation, my home is small, but for now we are here, however, things may improve ... and improved.
I'm not saying to have the house bright and perfect alignment of photos in the book, but I made a step forward. Each type has its own game basket, I made a list a yard long for things to buy Ikea home-improvement, and I'm lucky to have a child who has got a sense of order from her grandmother and father and not by me!
Now that every game has its own basket, Richard put in order ... alone!
Returning to the book, is really well done. After the frustration stage, I enjoy a lot more adotattando always the same motto: "I'm where I come, but always do my best"
And I must say that we're a happy family even if a bit 'out of order!
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