Dall 'last album of Cisco (Stefano Bellotti) "The Mule"
Ragasol vin to thè Svein ascultèr
A gh'è stuff c'a na t' or Cuntera
Du tri cat that you Féret saver
And dla tera noster and Paes
The Tera is the fat that I an not to sweat
e'd the Schina and bras
wires and in bien dla This is based with the therapeutic fiomm
c'l'aspèta to the pas
Cal gifts and who Om s'an insgnèe
C'à'n which is gninta c'a'n s'posa my
fer I an the VLU the gh'an pruvèe the lute a'n
To cater to know what I
Libertè pcàun and also fat , i n the tot fat concomitantly
For deres Maybe that Feres Curago
That Ginta the St. stères asvèin
of the tèra c'l'aspèta In the pas to the tera
Ragasol this is too
in Tola mann c'l'è arivèe to the mumèint
And I hope that you pose a'g zugher
E girerla in longa and Lerga cunteint
Ting Dre and portla deinterlaces to the heart is the
na ca, 's n'olom is, the vias is a pee
Fora, fora c'l'eter and so on ander
For tèra c'l'aspèta to the pas
Kids come here to listen
One thing I must tell you
Two or three facts that I want you to know
of your land and our country
It 's the land made by your grandparents
By the sweat of your back and arms
The rows of poplars in the lower river with
E' the land that awaits your footsteps
Women and men have taught us what
there is nothing that can not be done
They wanted to have tried and fought
To find their piece of freedom
What they did they did together
Maybe I forced to be People know me the courage
nearby stars in the land that is waiting for your child steps
this land is now
Take your hand that it's your time
And I hope you can play there and turn
Match care and keep it in your heart And
'a house, an elm, a trip Out
one foot out the other and away we go
For the earth is waiting for your footsteps
When I hear this song I am touched, deeply touched because , deep love for my son and my land. They are exactly the words I want to say I have the same love and the same sweetness.
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