Mobility is one of the areas that we create more problems, although is unquestionably one of the greatest achievements of the West in terms of freedom. The fact is that we have gone beyond any reasonable limit, and now the problem is not only the costs of maintaining a car or the environmental consequences in terms of pollution and consumption of non-renewable resources, but also the loss of time associated with a increasingly congested and chaotic traffic, even in small towns.
The situation of the past, plenty of space and limited parking, it was completely upside down, and today the area is completely congested, and is to be under-carrying capacity of the media (in Italy moving average 1.2 passengers per car, and then only 25% of the capacity of the medium).
But there is a project that promises a strong contribution to solving these problems, of course together with other solutions. It's called Jungo and is as simple as to seem almost trivial. In a nutshell, is the old method dell'autostop, but with an organized and flexible, which does not hesitate to enhance the service in economic terms and the use of information technology. According to the inventors, there are two factors that hinder the use dell'autostop: 1) safety (do not know who the passenger / driver and what his intentions are) 2) benefited only the benefits of moving to a part (at least if remain on the monetary front, because a driver could be nice to meet new people).
To remedy the first problem is a system of certification card to show through every time, ensure that the person seeking or providing passage. The second problem is circumvented by hand, partly fixed and partly that the distance and was paid by the passenger to the driver and set the system in a manner intended to avoid discussion. The inventors, however, ensure that the cost is lower than other transport systems (except, perhaps, the train).
The transition can be applied directly on the road, showing his card, on a website or a call center. The crux of the whole system, like any network system, is the critical mass that can be achieved, because the service is so widespread and active. To date the project has reached 700 members. More information on the site.
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