It 's a good time to sustainable construction, which collects and seems to be growing consensus on the eve of a long wave of growth. First, the commercial, which will grow ever stronger. I'm just back from a visit to Casamoderna in Udine, whose pavilion entirely dedicated to green building this year was greatly expanded. The workmanship of the homes with low energy consumption and their aesthetics are indisputable, and in my opinion superior to many traditional buildings (see for example here and here ). Prices can vary greatly and range from € 1,100 per sq turnkey finish and medium to which we must add the purchase of land, for the 1300-1400 euro per sq no basement and the ground, but finished with medium-high. Turnkey means ready to furnish and complete facilities. The energy changed only slightly and is around 30 kW / sq m / year (or if you want to 3 liters of diesel per sq m / year), or Class A buildings in the classification CasaClima.
An advantage not to be overlooked is that since the factory pre-assembled building systems and guaranteed in general three decades, the final quality is reliable and unlikely surprises at the end of the yard, often in traditional building, where the climatic conditions, the uniqueness of every house and building variables such as the ability of the performers may affect the final outcome in ways difficult to predict. On the constructive side
should be noted that the leaders are almost all foreign, Austria and Germany for most of the cases. In mountain areas and foothills, with a strong concentration in Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli in part, but there are also Italian companies specialized in this field. In the province of Trent was born the first technological district of sustainable and renewable , while Bolzano is active for many years the system of building certification and training of designers Casaclima . The Veneto has the theme in his district, which is the area of \u200b\u200bTreviso, Bioedilizia . The Friuli Venezia Giulia seems to have a good network of professionals and designers, and interesting is the information portal
Internationally the most interesting initiative is the LEED system of the U.S. Green Building Council and which is spreading increasingly. The commercial formula
selling more widespread at this time is that of the dealer, usually a design studio, which makes the design of the house to order with the customer or offers a standardized solution, and then handles relations with the parent company and suppliers of equipment and systems. The service can also include the construction of base facilities and service.
In Italy and around the world are growing achievements of individual houses, but also of real neighborhoods and villages. Italians increasingly common part of sustainability criteria more or less pushed in building regulations, as well as some measures of the last Budget, if maintained in the final text and should encourage the industry.
short, even compared to just a couple of years ago, the options for those who want to build a house more energy efficient and healthy increased by a lot, and signs on the horizon seem to be positive.
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