Price € 12.90
Newton & Compton
Book - 592 Pages
Year: 2008
The book your church does not deal with you would never read honesty and courage, the most divisive issue of all time: religion. Among its pages, the contributions of theologians, historians and independent researchers reveal deceptions, shed light on ancient beliefs and confront the dark side of faith on topics that the senior echelons of all denominations are trying to steal the knowledge of people.
A shocking reading, page after page of questions tenets that underpin the major religions of the world and, as in the case of allegations of child abuse rained on many representatives of Catholicism, faces scandals involving high prelates challenging prejudices and stereotypes.
From the Jewish origins of Islam to the mystery of Mary Magdalene, the massacres carried out by the crusaders in Europe and the Middle East to the genocide perpetrated by the followers of Muhammad, the book that your church would not you ever read is, at the same time, a rigorous counterstory of religions and an invitation to never stop to think for themselves.
Hidden Truth
The Discovery of the Second Vatican Council
The Divine Connection
Father Ulderico Pasquale Magni
Exodus - Shemot
Nude King 09 - Religion Shamanism
Nude King 09 - Shamanism Religious CD Annex
Conversations with God
The Great Initiates
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