Price € 20.50
Macro Edizioni
- Book - 416 Pages
Size: 17x24
Year: 2008
Dr. Joe Dispenza, in this guide scientific and informative at the same time, reveals how you evolve your brain, because it is not static, rigid and fixed, can change continuously.
In fact, our brain cells that make up what we are constantly changing.
They are constantly being reorganized and reshaped our thoughts and our experiences. Every time you conceive a thought or feel an emotion, the brain circulates in the body of chemicals, which reproduce those feelings, often resulting in us a physical reaction.
Through prolonged repetition, self-limiting thoughts and feelings can become habitual, giving rise mentality in which the feeling of being unworthy and attracting unpleasant experiences. Despite this we still crave, even when they make us feel good.
But all this can change. The author teaches you how to do it, and leads them step by step through the structures of the brain, showing how your thoughts and your emotions in your brain circuits are wired, how to recognize the patterns that you want to change, and finally how to create new positive habits, that not only changes your life, but also yourself, becoming the person you've always dreamed of being.
This is a scientific book about how the brain works and how it can be reprogrammed and evolve. Joe Dispenza being one of the largest existing neurologists, this text is suitable for experts in neurology who wish to broaden their knowledge, but at the same time, the simplicity of writing, it is also recommended to the layman of scientific knowledge on an empty stomach.
is a text suitable for all people who want to get out the old thought patterns and heal themselves, or start a new life and make miracles happen. Here we are talking about changing their fate forever. Ultimately the book is the new age, suitable for all awakened and those who are about to become.
is one of the few books on the market that contains explanations on what is and how to use the frontal lobe. Learning to use this part of the brain, we learn to reshape our own brain and our future, because it is through the frontal lobe that we are able to go beyond the models planned by our genetics.
The only reading this book will take you to change your brain permanently. In fact, if even a single information you learned in your tiny brain, some brain cells have already formed new connections between them and what they were, has changed forever.
Joe Dispenza received his chiropractic degree at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). After university training in biochemistry, the practice studies and after graduation took place in the fields of neurology, neurophysiology, and brain function. Joe Dispenza has authored several scientific articles on this close relationship between brain chemistry, neurophysiology, and biology, and their role in physical health. He is one of the researchers and teachers who appear in the film What the Bleep Do We Know!? (BLEEP - But we know that ... bip ... Really!?), Winner of several awards. Acclaimed speaker, Joe Dispenza is known for his brilliant, conversational way of presenting scientific concepts to lay audiences. Dr. Dispenza has a study as a chiropractor in Rainier, Wash. (USA).
New science
OF THE AUTHOR OF "Evolve Your Brain"
Reschedule your Brain (8 hours Videocourse - 3 DVD)
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The Hermetic Code DNA
The Fuzzy Thought
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Physics of Miracles
The Mysteries of the Universe
Science and Knowledge # 33 - 3rd Quarter 2010
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