Price € 12.90
Macro Edizioni
- Book - Pages 210
Size: 14x19
- Illustrated Color
Year: 2006-2007
With great skill Gregg Braden introduces us to the right way to pray that our request is always answered.
discover that prayer is not so much asking, as the ability to overcome the doubt that often accompanies our desires, developing techniques and attitudes that are explained in the book thoroughly.
are the schools of ancient wisdom that we have handed this style of prayer, the same which is still practiced in the monasteries perched on the mountains of Tibet.
Gregg Braden tells us that there is no need to use specific words, keep your hands in a certain position or to express anything externally, through the body, this ancient mode of prayer invites us instead to take an active role for physical healing, for Amii draw on our wealth and family and bring peace to the world.
Prayer as we know it today in Western society differs greatly from the forms handed down for thousands of years by ancient traditions. According to Braden, the ancients believed that emotions - especially the sort of feeling that we call "prayer" - were the most powerful force in the universe, to the point of actually affecting the matter in the world is made.
If you think that prayer means to do something, join hands and pronouncing words, the effect of prayer is of short duration.
But the ancient remains, according to Braden, suggest that prayer is much more than a do: prayer is what we are!
The secret lies not in the words that make up the prayers, but feel that the human evocations.
The quality of feeling is prayer. If the prayer is heard and if we are constantly in the state of feeling, this means that we are in a permanent state of prayer. Every moment is a prayer. Life is a prayer!
We continually send a message to the mirror of creation, and life is nothing but the mind of God, in that mirror that reflects what we feel, that is the prayer that we made. If we can feel something in the heart - not only to think but to feel really - then that thing becomes possible on the plane of existence.
Gregg Braden has participated as a guest leading to numerous international conferences and media events, exploring the role of spirituality in technology. Having embarked on a career as an expert in designing computer systems, computer geologist and director of technical operations (Cisco Systems), Braden is now considered an undisputed authority in the art of connecting the wisdom of the past with the science, technology and peace of the future. For over twenty years, Gregg Braden conducts research in high mountain villages, remote monasteries and ancient temples and forgotten studying ancient texts, in search of their secrets immortal. Between 1998 and 2005, Gregg visits to the monasteries of central Tibet revealed a form of prayer which he had lost the memory, because of cuts made on the Bible from the early Christian church.
Spiritual Growth
New Science
OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Lost Science of Prayer
Divine Matrix
The Lost Science of Prayer
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
The Code of Time
The Isaiah Effect
New Multidimensional Techniques of Astral Projection
The 13 Gifts of the Holy Grail
The Voice of the Serpent King
Discovery of Vatican II
the greatest miracle
The Sayings of Buddha
The Sayings of Jesus
because you can Change the World
The Promise
The Wisdom of the Saints
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