Price € 20.00
Editions - Book - 208 Pages
Size: 17x24
Year: 2010
This collection of essays sheds light inequiparabile value across the board on the deeper aspects of the human mind and existence through spiritual and philosophical themes.
an exciting discovery that makes it a valuable service to modern researchers, illuminating the spiritual path of the ancient science of Ashtanga Yoga so beautifully encoded by the sage Patanjali in his famous aphorisms and commentary by a great Svamini.
Yogamarishi dr. Gitananda Giri explains very clearly the deep sense of spiritual concepts. We start with the ethical and moral principles, and yama nyama, to pass the techniques of the postures, asanas, and breath control, pranayama, reaching more subtle practices of the withdrawal of the senses from external world, pratyahara. A full and harmonious way that leads gradually, through concentration and meditation, Dharana and Dhyana, achieve cosmic consciousness, samadhi.
Spiritual Growth
OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Voice of the Serpent King"
The Voice of the Serpent King
Pranayama - The Fourth dell'Astanga Pearl Yoga
Ananda Yoga Posters
Poster Exercises Recharge
Love Yoga Meditation
with Mudra
Yoga Cards
Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Pranayama - The Fourth dell'Astanga Pearl Yoga
KidYogi - DVD
TeenYogi - DVD
The Science of Life - Yoga and Ayurveda
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