Price € 19.00
Edition - Book - 348 Pages
Year: 2010
The most ancient texts speak of an age of humanity gold in which the gods were not mere mortals who have come from an island in the South Pole: they agree fix their failed between 13,000 and 9,600 BC
The most ancient monuments of India, South America and the Mediterranean date from this period, tracing the outlines of the constellations visible at that time and reflect the same hand and the manufacturer 'heavy use of giant blocks hundreds of tons. If
hidden behind the myth you was the truth? How can we talk about all the ancient traditions of monotheism as the oldest religion? Perhaps the gods were only the most advanced men of the people who received them? A journey in search of hidden evidence from archeology official, a treasure hunt began over 5,000 years ago by a king named Sargon Mesopotamia ...
"Atlantis, one of the names by which the ancient memories of their homeland, a country destroyed by three times as many floods and revised in several places on the planet: why do not we talk about Atlantis and Atlantis. What we are committed to rebuilding is the story of the first civilization of mankind memories memory. Although enriched in a time of fantastic elements and esoteric, it has preserved its skeleton of real events and reveals what happened on Earth in the years after the last ice age extinguished the glory of the Gentiles, to bring them back to the state of hunter-gatherers. "
Archaeological research
Telos - Revelations of the New Lemuria
Seal of The New Atlantis
The Mysteries of Atlantis
The Code of Atlantis
I discovered the real Atlantis
Forbidden History
The Bookseller of Atlantis
Atlantis Rising
Il Giornale dei Misteri No. 465 - November 2010
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