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Macro Edizioni
- Book - 259 Pages
Size: 13.5 x20 , 5
Year: 2006
What we believe determines what we are, and not our DNA determine our lives and our health.
It is time to abandon the old beliefs that the scientific and academic community and media have inculcated us to move to the new and exciting perspective of health, wellness and abundance offered by this science avant-garde epigenetics.
This is a great revolution in science and human thought, which frees us from the prison of destiny.
The author shows in an incontrovertible manner that the environment, our thoughts and our experiences determine who we are, our body and every aspect of our lives.
How important then have our thoughts, positive or negative, when it is in harmony with the subconscious, our behavior and our genes?
If the environment and thinking affect our biology, that can change the knowledge and experiences to date by most of us. In fact each of us has the potential to create a life filled and overflowing with every gift and talent, from health and happiness and love.
Every cell in our body can be compared to an intelligent being, endowed with intentionality and purpose, able to survive independently, whose real "brain" is composed of the diaphragm. This discovery leads to a stunning conclusion: the genes do not control our biology, is instead the environment to influence the behavior of cells. This leads to new, important consequences for the well-being, happiness and the nature of diseases such as cancer and schizophrenia.
Bruce Lipton is a world leader in concerns the links between science and behavior. Cell biologist by training, he taught Cell Biology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Wisconsin and is dedicated as a result of pioneering research at the School of Medicine at Stanford University. He was host of dozens of television programs and is a lecturer in the foreground. His groundbreaking research on the cell membrane have pioneered the new science of epigenetics and Lipton have made one of the most known of the new biology.
Macro Edizioni
- Book - 259 Pages
Size: 13.5 x20 , 5
Year: 2006
What we believe determines what we are, and not our DNA determine our lives and our health.
It is time to abandon the old beliefs that the scientific and academic community and media have inculcated us to move to the new and exciting perspective of health, wellness and abundance offered by this science avant-garde epigenetics.
This is a great revolution in science and human thought, which frees us from the prison of destiny.
The author shows in an incontrovertible manner that the environment, our thoughts and our experiences determine who we are, our body and every aspect of our lives.
How important then have our thoughts, positive or negative, when it is in harmony with the subconscious, our behavior and our genes?
If the environment and thinking affect our biology, that can change the knowledge and experiences to date by most of us. In fact each of us has the potential to create a life filled and overflowing with every gift and talent, from health and happiness and love.
Every cell in our body can be compared to an intelligent being, endowed with intentionality and purpose, able to survive independently, whose real "brain" is composed of the diaphragm. This discovery leads to a stunning conclusion: the genes do not control our biology, is instead the environment to influence the behavior of cells. This leads to new, important consequences for the well-being, happiness and the nature of diseases such as cancer and schizophrenia.
Bruce Lipton is a world leader in concerns the links between science and behavior. Cell biologist by training, he taught Cell Biology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Wisconsin and is dedicated as a result of pioneering research at the School of Medicine at Stanford University. He was host of dozens of television programs and is a lecturer in the foreground. His groundbreaking research on the cell membrane have pioneered the new science of epigenetics and Lipton have made one of the most known of the new biology.
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OF THE AUTHOR OF "The Biology of Belief"
Spontaneous Evolution
The Biology of Belief
Discover the Power of EFT - Documentary Film on DVD
The Living Matrix - The Film
Mind is stronger than the Genes - (First 4 hours of DVD)
The Biology of Belief
Discover the Power of EFT - Documentary Film on DVD
The Living Matrix - The Film
Mind is stronger than the Genes - (First 4 hours of DVD)
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